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Baca Juga : Forex Online Option Trading - The Basics Explained

Forex online option trading is a brand new opportunity as of 2007 for individual investors to trade options on world currencies. Offered through the Philadelphia Exchange world currency options are traded in exactly the same way as any other option. Currency options offer a major benefit to those interested in FX trading.

Up until 2007, the only way to trade in currencies was through futures, and through forex market makers. Both involve a much greater degree of difficulty than simply trading in forex currency options. In futures, there is a great deal of risk. If your position moves against you, your loss can be potentially unlimited. In both futures and spot FX markets, you are tied to your trade 24 hours a day, watching and guarding against constant fluctuations. While you still have to keep an eye on your positions, world currency options are traded only when the stock market is open.

Forex online option trading is available through almost any online broker that deals in options. Just like a stock, you simply need to know the symbol to find the option chain or chart. For example, in Forex, the Euro/US dollar currency pair is called the EURUSD. In forex online option trading, the symbol is XDE.

Currency option trading is as simple as identifying the direction of the trend and buying a call if you think it's going up, or a put if you think it's going down. You can buy an option for a month, three months or more.

Using forex online option trading gives you a few major advantages. Your risk is limited to the price of the premium - and you can easily employ a stop, further limiting your potential for loss. With FX currency options it's much easier to take a position and hang onto it for the longer duration of a trend. Your risk is limited and your potential for profit is virtually unlimited.

The one thing to remember in currency option trading is that of the six pairs that are available with options, four of them are reversed if compared to the FX currency pairs. All of the currency option pairs are settled in the US dollar.

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